
Chipboard Calendar

We have turned the page on one more year again – what an incredible opportunity to make new plans for adventure! Why not start the year with a fresh calendar to document all of those adventures? I have a chipboard calendar idea that will get you ready for all 365 days of the year!

This is a perpetual calendar, which is great to be used over and over. The colors I’ve chosen this time includes a fabulous new Lessebo paper along with, you guessed it – chipboard! CutCardStock has a really nice product choice at a great value, and it was perfect for this project.

I’ve started with 2 sheets of the Kraft Chipboard, cut at 10″ by 6″. These are topped off with a printed paper of your choice, and I use a basic tacky glue but you can use Modge Podge, if desired. Next, cut the following for your calendar panels – mine are cut with Lessebo Blossom Pink. You will need 12 panels at 4″ by 5.5″, 14 panels at 2.25″ by 5.5″ and one extra panel of 4″ by 5.5″ for the base.

The base panel of Lessebo Blossom Pink is scored across the short side of the paper at each inch. Fold this up like an accordion, and adhere the tab ends at the bottom backside of your chipboard pieces. This will fold up to become the base of your calendar.

On the tops of your Kraft Chipboard pieces, punch 4 holes across the top to hang your panels. These are something you will need to lay out first and measure – approximate measurements of mine are about .25″ from the top of the panels.

Once you have holes, you can add grommets for extra sturdiness. Lay your panels out and mark the holes for these also with a pencil, then punch them out.

Now to assemble the calendar, fold up the 2 chipboard pieces and secure them at the top with a 1″ by 10″ strip of paper, folded over to create a ‘tent.’

Decorating the calendar panels is up to your creativity, depending on what kind of calendar you want! I have cut month titles from a project on Cricut Design Space in Pop Tone Black Licorice and Basis White. I’ve also die cut numbers in the same Pop Tone Black Licorice and Basis White with my Stitched Alpha and Numeral sets by Spellbinders. Glue these to your panels.

If you want a photo each month, the Basis White paper is great for printing! I’ve selected some photos in a black and white tone, along with some funny quotes to add in between and printed them out on the card stock. The sizing on these is about 3.5″ by 3.5″ square. Glue these to the larger panels.

You are ready to add your panels to your calendar by threading them with jump rings. Other options include adding additional stamped images to the panels or even a pocket to hold a birthday list for each month.

I love my calendar! It’s currently sitting on my craft desk at home – and I hope you will love this project too! Feel free to pin this post for future crafting, and make sure to check out the sales going on this month on the CutCardStock site. See you next time!

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