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World’s Most Okayest Dad!

Hey there everyone, Misty here with you! Today I am sharing with you a scrapbook layout that I did for my hunky-hubby for Father’s Day. In the beginning, it was going to be an oversized card, but it took on a life of it’s own! Even though we don’t always admit it, I’m sure we have all had that happen a time or two! Even though card making is not my “strong-suit”, I decided to give it a shot. I honestly wanted to make a card, since his daughters will be here with us this year. However, I kept wanting to add more “stuff” to it, so I just decided it was time to give in to my scrappy addiction and make the flippin’ layout! LOL I have been working on an album for him anyway, so this just might be the perfect time to give it to him!


Before I start any project, I gather my materials that I plan to use. Occasionally I do add or omit something…but I do like to have the majority of my products within arms reach. Here is what I used from the Cut Card Stock store:

Basis Navy 8.5×11 Cardstock,
Basis Aqua 8.5×11 Cardstock,
Basis Blue 8.5×11 Cardstock,
Basis Light Blue 8.5×11 Cardstock,
and Basis Gold 8.5×11 Cardstock.
All of these can be found in single sheets in the Basis 8.5×11 Sample Assortment pack
DCS Canvas Textured 12x12Wedding Cake White Cardstock

Additionally, I used a white wood grained look cardstock, pearlized enamel dots, a sunflower from my stash, and some white jute cord.

Cut – It – Out!

Once I have all my materials gathered, I like to get all that tedious cutting done and out of the way. I used to do everything free-handed, but now I like to use my handy-dandy Cricut Maker. I just have to set everything up, prepare my mats, and push a button, and the machine does all the work. Next thing I know…Voila…DONE! This Mama is TIRED after a long day at work, so the easier the better! So, remember that I started out with an oversized card in mind? Well, it was also going to be monochromatic. Obviously that didn’t last long, either!

After moving the components around about 10 times, I decided that I needed to add color and texture. The black and white photos seemed to be a little “too blue” for my liking. I think that the various shades of blue was making my eyes play tricks on me, but I thought that adding another color would help to eliminate that blue tint. For some reason, yellow sunflowers popped into my mind, and so I went with it! I pulled out a sheet of Basis Gold and a border punch and went to work!

Successful Failure?

When it was all said and done, I had successfully failed at making a card. I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing…because I still have to buy one at this point! I am, however, very pleased with the result of my failure! It is not often that I make a layout without some sort of mixed media…but this one had NONE at all! Not too shabby for a “Wanna Be Fathers’ Day Card” if I do say so myself!

I hope I have inspired you to get crafty today! Whether you make a card or a “Wanna Be” card, the
Cut Card Stock store will have everything for your success! Pick up one of the Basis 8.5×11 Sample Assortment packs before they are all gone!

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